IINTERVIIEW WIITH HARRY CROWTHER We are all really proud of the fact that our own Harry Crowther (8LTT) has been chosen to carry the Olympic Torch during the relay currently taking place around the UK. Mr Pugh interviewed Harry recently about this incredible experience....
Mr Pugh: How do you feel about taking part in the torch relay now?
Harry: I’m excited but nervous about everyone watching.
Mr Pugh: What exactly will you be doing on the day?
Harry: Running with the torch, over a distance of 300 metres, through an area of Wakefield between 10.38 and 11.49 on the morning of Monday 25 June.
Mr Pugh: What training have you been doing?
Harry: I’ve been doing some 300 metre running training during PE lessons.
Mr Pugh: Do you have to wear anything special on the big day? Perhaps your Castle Hall blazer with your top button done up, and your shirt tucked in (!)?
Harry: The 2012 team provide a white track suit with gold trim for each runner.
Mr Pugh: Do you get to keep the torch after the event?
Harry: There are 8000 individual torches and I plan to raise money to keep my own. My form (8LTT) have agreed to help me raise the £200 by running a sponsored relay on the field carrying a replica torch and holding a sponsored silence - both before the half term break.
Mr Pugh: How many people can go to watch you in Wakefield?
Harry: I will probably travel with my family. Mr Parsons is hoping to organize a coach to allow a representative number of students and staff to attend.
On behalf of everyone at Castle Hall, well done and good luck to Harry! We hope – on the day - that all Castle Hall Academy students will be able to watch Harry live on the website from classrooms.